У подножия Этны

суббота, 4 июня 2022 г.


I got awful info for you personally.

Earlier Managed to get admission to your personal devices.
Following that, I began monitoring your activity.

I mounted a Trojan viruses on the systems of all gadgets that you use to access the web.
This particular application offers me entry to all of your devices.

I've downloaded all your data, photos, and searching history to my hosts.
I have admission to all your files, interaction messengers, social networking, connections, email etc.

My virus up-dates fingerprints and remains hidden to anti-virus applications.
Whilst gathering info on you, I discovered that you are a big fan of grown-up websites and are also watching exciting video clips whilst experiencing a huge amount of pleasure.

I was capable to capture some of your dirty moments when you masturbate and reach male orgasms.

If there are any skepticism, I can generate a few clicks and videos will be demonstrated to everybody you know.

Plus I can publish all your communication, personal pictures, and your private info online.

I can damage your reputation permanently.

I do think you actually do not want that to happen, considering the character of the videos you adore to view, you know what I am talking about, it will be a true disaster in your case.

Now let's resolve that this way: you transfer me 1400 USD (in btc equivalent to the exchange price at the time of exchange), and I will instantly remove all of it.
Afterward, we'll ignore each other.

I additionally promise to disconnect & get rid of all malware out of your devices.

Bear in mind I usually hold my own word of mouth.
The following is my btc wallet: bc1qncuaptuttv4jte8whf23fc36fvpw0as2spv0h8

You have Two business days from the moment you open this particular e-mail.

Unless you send money, your videos and all your details are going to be posted on the Internet for all people as well as your friends and family.
I'll mess up your good reputation eternally.

Do not search for me and don't try to contact law enforcement and other security services, otherwise your computer data is going to be published.

I am aware of a lot of insider secrets about you, so in case your status is worthy, keep in mind that I am able to wreck it once and for all.

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